Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Bruce N. Ames
Date of Birth: 16 December 1928Place of Birth: New York, New York
Marital Status: Married to Professor Giovanna Ferro-Luzzi Ames
Two children
1. Cornell University, B.A. Chemistry Major, Biology Minor 1946-19502. California Institute of Technology, Ph.D. Biochemistry Major with Prof. H. K. Mitchell; 1950-1953
Professional Experience:
1. Postdoctoral Fellow (U.S.P.H.S.) at NIH with Dr. B. L. Horecker 1953-19542. Biochemist at the National Institutes of Health 1954-1960
3. Sabbatical year as N.S.F. Senior Fellow in laboratories of F. H. C. Crick in Cambridge, England, and F. Jacob in Paris, France, 1961-1961,
4. Chief, Section of Microbial Genetics, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, N.I.A.M.D., NIH, 1962-1967
5. Prof. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley, 1968-2000
6. Chairman, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley, 1983-1989
7. Dir., National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Center, U.C. Berkeley, 1979-2000
8. Prof. Of the Graduate School, University of California Berkeley, 2000-present
9. Senior Research Scientist, Childrens Hospital Oakland Research Institute Oakland CA, 2000-2020
Professional Societies:
* American Academy of Arts and Science* American Aging Association
* American Association for the Advancement of Science
* American Association for Cancer Research
* American Chemical Society
* American College of Toxicology
* American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
* American Society of Nutritional Sciences
* Environmental Mutagen Society
* Gerontological Society of America
* Mitochondrial Medicine Society
* Molecular Medicine Society
* New York Academy of Science
* Oxygen Society
* Society for Free Radical Research
* Society of Toxicology
* American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1970* National Academy of Sciences 1972
* Fellow of the Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. 1980
* IBM-Princess Takamatsu Cancer Res Fund Lectureship (Japan) 1984
* Honorary Degree, Tufts University 1987
* Honorary Degree, University of Bologna 1989
* Elected Honorary Foreign Member, Japan Cancer Association 1987
* Elected Foreign Member, The Royal Swedish Acad. of Sci. 1989
* Elected Fellow, Academy of Toxicological Sciences 1992
* Elected Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology 1992
* Honorary Member, Japan Pharmaceutical Society 1998
* Eli Lilly Award of the American Chemical Society 1964* Arthur Flemming Award (Outstanding Young Gov't Employee) 1966
* Lewis Rosenstiel Award 1976
* FASEB/3M Award for Research in Life Sciences 1976
* E.R.D.A. Distinguished Associate Award 1976
* Environmental Mutagen Society Award 1977
* Cal. Tech. Distinguished Alumni Award 1977
* Simon Shubitz Cancer Prize 1978
* Felix Wankel Research Award 1978
* John Scott Medal 1979
* Bolton L. Corson Medal 1980
* New Brunswick Lectureship Award of A.S.M. 1980
* Wadsworth Award 1981
* Charles S. Mott Prize, GM Cancer Res. Foundation 1983
* Gairdner Foundation Award (Canada) 1983
* Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement 1985
* Spencer Award (American Chemical Society) 1986
* Roger J. Williams Award in Preventive Nutrition 1989
* Gold Medal, American Institute of Chemists 1991
* Glenn Foundation Award, Gerontological Society of America 1992
* Röntgen Prize of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy) 1993
* Lovelace Award for Excellence in Environ. Health Research 1995
* Frontiers of Science Award, Society of Cosmetic Chemists 1995
* Messel Medal, British Society of Chemical Industry 1996
* Society of Toxicology Public Communications Award 1996
* Achievement in Excellence Award, Ctr for Excellence in Educ. 1996
* Honda Prize 1996
* Japan Prize 1997
* Kehoe Award, American College of Occup. and Environ. Med. 1997
* Medal of the City of Paris 1998
* National Medal of Science 1998
* Am. Society for Microbiology Lifetime Achievement Award 2001
* Linus Pauling Institute Prize for Health Research 2001
* Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal, Genetics Society Am 2004
* American Society for Nutrition/CRN M.S. Rose Award, 2008
* George C. Marshall Founders Award, 2008
* Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame, 2010
* SOT Lifetime Achievement Award, 2012
Service on Boards and Committees:
* Program Committee of the Am. Soc. Biol. Chem. 1963-1967* Editorial Board, Archives of Biochem. and Biophys. 1964-1969
* National Research Council (representative of Genetics Society) 1964-1969
* Editorial Board, Journal of Biological Chemistry 1965-1971
* Nominating Committee, Am. Soc. of Biol. Chem. 1967-1969
* Governing Council, Environmental Mutagen Society 1971-1975
* Advisory Committee, Earl Warren Legal Institute 1971-1975
* Nominating Committee of the Genetics Society 1971
* Organizer, 1st Int'l Conf. on Environ. Mutagens, Asilomar, CA 1973
* Consultative Panel on Hazards of Chemical Pesticides, 1974
* National Research Council, Natl. Academy of Sciences, 1974
* Subcluster on Environmental Health & Toxicology of Presidents Biomedical Research Panel, 1975
* National Cancer Advisory Board (Presidential Appointment) 1976-1982
* Search Committee for Director of N.C.I. 1977
* Scientific Advisory Panel, California Safe Drinking Water & Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Prop. 65), 1987-1989
* Member, Commission on Life Sciences, Natl. Res. Council 1989-1995
* Board of Directors, American Aging Association 1992-1995
* Member, Health Matters Advisory Committee 1992-1996
* Member, International Review Committee, United Medical and Dental School of Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospitals, 1996-
* Member, The Nutrition Committee, American Heart Assoc. 1998
* Appointed Member, President's Committee - National Medal of Science 2003 - 2007